
Current Group Members

Associate Prof. Maytal Caspary Toroker
Smadar Amir

Postdoctoral Researchers

Picture of Dr. Ravi Kumar

Dr. Ravi Kumar

Picture of Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sahoo

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sahoo

Picture of Dr. Prince Gollapalli

Dr. Prince Gollapalli

Picture of Dr. Labanya Bhattacharya

Dr. Labanya Bhattacharya


PhD Students

Picture of Sean Dvir

Sean Dvir

Picture of Noam Hadari

Noam Hadari

Picture of Lakhanlal


Picture of Hanna Kuperman

Hanna Kuperman


Masters Students

Picture of Roey


Picture of Koren Greenberg

Koren Greenberg


Undergraduate Students

Picture of Yoav Shaked

Yoav Shaked

Picture of Nir Glazer

Nir Glazer

Picture of Iris Herscovici

Iris Herscovici

Picture of Dor


Picture of Aya Awawdy

Aya Awawdy

Picture of Avi



Group Alumni

Postdoctoral Alumni

Postdoctoral Alumni
2016-17Dr. Valeria ButeraDeveloping cluster models for oxides
2014-17Dr. Jeremie ZaffranDopant effects in modeling nickel oxyhydroxide catalysis
2017-20Dr. Kapil DhakaNon-stoichiometry and vacancy formation in oxides
2019-22Dr. Santu BiswasCO2 electrolysis with perovskite oxides
2020-22Dr. Bipasa SamantaOrganic-inorganic solar cells parametrization

PhD Alumni

PhD Alumni
YearNameTitleThesis Link
2019Natav YatomA Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Iron-Oxide Photoelectrodes for Water SplittingLink to Thesis
2021Vicky FidelskyTheoretical Research on LSFCr Perovskite as a Catalyst for CO2 ReductionLink to Thesis
2021Gabriela Stan MelechAn Efficient Multiscale Approach for Calculating Charge Transport in Nano-DevicesLink to Thesis
2022Yuval ElbazModeling and Prediction of Electron Transfer in Spinel OxidesLink to Thesis
2023Nadav SnirOptical, Electronic, and Catalytic Properties of Iron Oxide Under Working ConditionsLink to Thesis

MSc Alumni

MSc Alumni
YearNameTitleThesis Link
2016Ofer NeufeldA Theoretical Study of ALFA-Fe2O3; Solar Water Splitting Catalysis and Metal/Metal-Oxide Interfaces in Advanced Photoelectrochemical CellsLink to Thesis
2016Natav YatomPhotocatalysis on Nb-doped Fe2O3 surfaceLink to Thesis
2017Vicky FidelskyTheoretical Characterization for Nickel Oxyhydroxide – One of the Best Water Oxidation Catalysts for Energy ApplicationsLink to Thesis
2017Gabriela Stan MelehLateral Interface in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Metal/Semiconductor HeterostructuresLink to Thesis
2018Yuval ElbazDiffusion of Hydrogen Ions in Metal Oxides PhasesLink to Thesis
2018Michael NagliCharacterization of M(OH)2 (M = Ni, Fe, Co) Two-Dimensional Materials through Computational MethodsLink to Thesis
2019Ester KorkusThe Effect of Strain and Co Doping at Varying Concentration on the Efficiency of Nickel Oxyhydroxide in the Process of Water OxidationLink to Thesis
2019Liora TietzTheoretical Investigation of Two-Dimensional Dielectric Materials for MoS2-Based Field-Effect TransistorsLink to Thesis
2020Almog ReshefThe Atomic Source of Flicker Noise in Superconducting QubitsLink to Thesis
2021Roni EppsteinCalculations on Pathways and Mechanism for Charge Transport in MnxFe3-xO4Link to Thesis
2022Sean DvirMachine Learning based Method for Finding Improved Initial Guess of Adsorption Site DFT CalculationLink to Thesis
2022Eitan YohananThe Role Interlayer Arrangements on Water Oxidation Catalysis in Two Dimensional MaterialsLink to Thesis
2022Yair ReichmanLattice Mismatched Interface in a Binary Heterostructure SystemLink to Thesis

Undergraduate Alumni

Undergraduate Alumni
2013Mila VolkovEmpirical pair-potentials
2014Asaf HaddadComputational codes in materials science
2014Amir KleinerPerovskite materials
2015Shelly NavonFe2O3 oxide surface
2015Mahran ShehadéOxide catalysis
2015Leora SheinMetal/Oxide interfaces
2015Almog ReshefMetal/Oxide interfaces
2016Meir DahanFe2O3 catalysis
2016Eran AharonFe2O3 catalysis
2016Chen HareliMonte Carlo Simulations
2018Yanay ToviMetal/Oxide interfaces
2018Mishelle BerezinskyOxide catalysis